Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and your donation is tax-deductible pursuant to the extent allowable by law. Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. is currently comprised of an all-volunteer force and your financial support goes towards:
ZVN, Inc. sponsored programs and services
Zahara Veterans Village establishment
Community events to educate and inform about the woman veteran community
Women veterans have served in an official capacity in every war since the Spanish American War and most Americans are unaware of our contributions as we are often overlooked as service members. The perceived “silence” of women veterans has not only led to disbelief in our existence, but also to lost opportunities in employment, marketing and consumer operations.
Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. is on a mission to inform corporations about the value of women veterans as employers and consumers. Did you know that one of the fastest growing segments of business owners in the United States is the woman veteran? Our community is almost fifteen years younger than male veterans and more likely to have children under the age of eighteen in the home. There is value to understanding the woman veteran community and your interest can help us reach our goal of getting women veterans to get a grip.
Our platform to help women begin to self-identify as veterans, uses the acronym, G.R.I.P. and our goal is to help them get it:
Grow by inviting women veterans to join our membership
Relay information on veterans programs and services
Interact at veterans events and build good relationships with other veteran service organizations
Promote our mission to serve the veteran community through support of our programs and services.
Your corporate support can assist us in achieving our goals to encourage veterans, serve the community, and house our homeless veterans.
Here are the multiple ways you can support:
Invite our executive director to consult, educate, and share our mission with your board, executive staff or employees
Volunteer as a group at community events in support of the veteran community
Connect us to the decision makers of corporate foundations or community gifts
Sponsor our events, provide for emergency housing options, help us provide gift cards to veterans in financial distress
Send us job postings to share with our private veteran groups or contact us for referrals of veterans with specific skill sets
Donate financially and make arrangements to support monthly, quarterly, or on behalf of veteran employees
Or contact us to offer supportive programs already in place to help veterans
Your support connects you to a local 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization and has a visible, tangible positive impact in the lives of our veteran community. The biggest challenges of the woman veteran community in the North Florida area is housing, mental healthcare challenges, and silence. We are “raising the voice” of women veterans and your support can help us tackle the bigger challenges.
Corporate Match Program
Many corporations will match your gift to Zahara Veterans Network, Inc.
Notify Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. and your company about a recent gift.
The match may be greater than a one-to-one match.
Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. will verify your donation.
Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. receives the match.
Thank you for your interest in supporting Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. We are on a mission to help women veterans get a “G.R.I.P.” and establish Zahara Veterans Village to serve today’s veterans. Women have served in some official capacity in every war since the Spanish American War of 1898 and there is a good chance you unknowingly have a woman relative who served in our military.
“How would that be possible?”, you ask? Many women veterans do not self-identify as veterans in their day-to-day conversations. Most will talk about their spouse, children, jobs or hobbies, but omit their experience as service members in their general conversations. One of our goals is to get women veterans to share their experiences and feel more comfortable talking about their service on a daily basis.
Our platform to help women begin to self-identify as veterans, uses the acronym, G.R.I.P. and our goal is to help them get it:
Grow by inviting women veterans to join our membership
Relay information on veterans programs and services
Interact at veterans events and build good relationships with other veteran service organizations
Promote our mission to serve the veteran community through support of our programs and services.
Your support can assist us in achieving our goals to encourage veterans, serve the community, and house our homeless veterans. Here are the many ways you can help:
Join our mission as an auxiliary member
Volunteer at community events
Connect us to women veterans in your family or community
Talk to your local church or parish about supporting our local organization
Donate financially and make arrangements to support monthly, quarterly, or on the birthday of a woman veteran with special meaning to you
As a local nonprofit organization, your support has a direct impact in your community. Most national nonprofit corporations must first meet their obligation of multi-million dollars in salary requirements, many do not spend more than ten cents of every dollar on the actual people the money was meant to serve.
In 2015, GuideStar estimated that approximately 65% of all veteran organizations receive less than $50,000 in donations. There are other local charities with high amounts of reported surplus funds and storage facilities of donated products that have yet to reach the intended target group. It is financial waste and fraud that is hurtful to the overall community.
Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. was founded on Isaiah 60:1-4 (KJV) and we bare a moral responsibility to our veterans and the community we represent. We were established to shine light on our often “silent” community and to illuminate the actions of those who have caused hurt and distrust in the veteran community by operating in fraudulent manners.
Throughout the year, Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. hosts and participates in annual conferences and events specifically for our veteran communities. Interested in becoming a sponsor or having ZVN, Inc. host your veteran event?
Additional Ways to Donate
Mail Your Donation
Zahara Veterans Network, Inc.
1177-5 Park Ave
Suite 135
Orange Park, Florida 32073
Direct Wire
You may also transfer directly to our Navy Federal account by using our corporate email address in the account lookup feed on the Navy Federal website or mobile application: Zahara@ZaharaVets.org
Planned Giving
Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. is authorized to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts. The most convenient gift arrangement is an outright gift of cash additionally, we accept any item of value up to and including property. Donors receive a charitable contribution deduction receipt for the full fair market value of the gift.
Donate your Airline Points
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